STEP by STEP was an exhibition curated for the Studio of Young Artists' Association in Budapest.

To be spontaneous is to patch up work. To work as an artist in residence is to patchwork.

The exhibition will re-use, adapt and repurpose the boxes and objects that set the precedent → to access memories - mine, yours, ours - somebody’s, we look inside and then compose
→ step by step, patch by patch.
When the exhibition will be done the archive will be gone, what remains will be the pictures (archived as bits) and the memories in space.
The date of this show coincided with an important event in the history of FKSE: The archive of over 40 years will be donated to the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) to become a part of written history.
With Step by Step we examined the notion of this archive as a container of memories and facts. Before digital methods of storage, archives consisted of boxes filled with papers. It was a modular system of keeping the past in an organised way. The boxes pile up, because memories keep coming while dust keeps setting on them. Whoever has visited FKSE knows how much room paper can take.

Before their departure to the MTA, we will use these blocks of data to build an architecture for the visitors to encounter the works of Katalin Kortmann-Járay&Karina Mendreczky, Klaudia Januško, Csilla Bartus, Jan Bražina, Diana B. Gil, Janina Weißengruber and the ones of the artist in residence Bianka Chladek.

The exhibition will take the archive as a building point, not a reference, and will thread a story written in the quotes and calendar pages that have inspired the artists in their production. It is also the last opportunity to feel the stack of memories as they have been for many years: dusty but accessible to everyone.

As a prothesis to the exhibition, FKSE members antenna laura and eden_jeneses will host a music event with Shoggoth13 and DJABC and izoláltrendszer+esze_veszett (zaj+).


Bianka Chladek // Jan Bražina.       Photo © Bianka Chladek

Bianka Chladek // Jan Bražina.       Photo © Bianka Chladek

Janina Weißengruber // FKSE Archive      Photo © Bianka Chladek

Csilla Bartus // Janina Weißengruber // FKSE Archive // Jan Bražina // Diana Barbosa Gil Photo©Bianka Chladek

Bianka Chladek // FKSE Archive // Janina Weißengruber // Csilla Bartus // Jan Bražina Photo©Bianka Chladek

FKSE Archive // Janina Weißengruber // Bianka Chladek  Photo©Bianka Chladek

Csilla Bartus  Photo©Bianka Chladek

FKSE Archive // Jan Bražina      Photo©Bianka Chladek

FKSE Archive // Katalin Kortmann-Járay&Karina Mendreczky // Jan Bražina      Photo©Bianka Chladek

FKSE Archive // Janina Weißengruber // Csilla Bartus // Jan Bražina Photo©Bianka Chladek

Bianka Chladek // FKSE Archive  Photo©Bianka Chladek

Klaudia Januško  Photo©Bianka Chladek

Bianka Chladek  Photo©Bianka Chladek